
LEGO Robotics Workshops

Brick Robot Club is able to offer LEGO robotics sessions tailored to your needs. Prices start from £300 per session and are suitable for KS2 and up (all the way to degree level) and cover most of the STEM curriculum.

Workshops start with the basic one-off two-hour session, which provides a quick introduction to the concepts used, with time for an exciting final test of each group’s robot (this is similar to the standard Brick Robot Wars Workshops).

We also offer “Robot Olympiad” style workshops where there are challenges to overcome. These are suitable if your school is working towards the FLL competition, or just want to more fully explore the robot’s capabilities. This might encompass a full day session, or a number of shorter ones over a term.

These and similar sessions are also useful in an SEN environment, maybe with smaller groups, and can be targeted to an individual or group’s interests.

All equipment is provided for groups of up to 30.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

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